You’ve seen the meme, but did you know there’s a desktop toy?
Of course I bought one. And immediately tore it apart, wired it up to my favorite ESP32-S3 board, and whipped up some code to make it respond to button presses on my Wiz (ESP-NOW) remote.
But I wasn’t satisfied with the result and was determined to find a way to make everything fit inside the battery compartment. I had some Sparkle IOT ESP32-C3F modules — an ESP32-C3 in an ESP-12 compatible package —on hand, and a solderable PCB I could cut up, and just made it all fit.
Here’s a video of it in action:
All told it’s less than $6 worth of parts: ESP32-C3F, 1K resistor, PC817 optocoupler, AMS1117-3.3 board, Micro-USB breakout, about half of a snappable PCB section.